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8 Tips to Improve Your Free Kicks in Football

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In the world of football, few moments are as exciting as a successful free kick.

The ability to curl the ball into the corners of the goal or launch a powerful shot over the wall requires not only technique, but also a deep understanding of ball physics and exact positioning.

If you are looking to improve your free kicks and become a more complete athlete, here we list eight essential tips to improve your skills in this area.

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Below we list 8 tips for taking free kicks and scoring goals

1. Positioning and Alignment

2. Foot Choice and Kicking Technique

3. Reading the Barrier and the Goalkeeper

4. Variation of Techniques

5. Constant Training and Practice

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6. Mind Control and Focus

7. Feedback and Analysis

8. Game Simulations

Positioning and Alignment

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Correct positioning is crucial for an effective free kick. Position the ball so that it is a comfortable distance for your stride. Align your support foot with the back of the ball and position your kicking foot according to the angle you want to give the ball. The approach must be straight and with controlled steps to maintain balance.

Foot Choice and Kicking Technique

The choice of foot for the free kick is important. If you're right-handed, you'll probably use your right foot to kick the ball, which will allow for a natural curve to the left. For an opposite turn, use your left foot. The kicking technique involves applying precise force with the inside of the foot, just below the laces. Keep your foot steady and your ankle locked to control the ball's trajectory.

Barrier and Goalkeeper Reading

Analyze the barrier formed by opposing players and the position of the goalkeeper. Identifying empty spaces and areas that are most difficult for the goalkeeper to reach can increase your chances of success. Also consider wind and weather conditions, as they can directly influence the ball's trajectory.

Variation of Techniques

Mastering different free kick techniques can surprise opponents and increase your options. In addition to the direct shot, try the shot under the wall, known as the “dry sheet”, or the shot with effect, which can deceive the goalkeeper with a sudden deviation in the ball's trajectory.

Constant Training and Practice

Constant practice is the key to perfecting your technique. Set aside time regularly to practice different types of kicks, working on both accuracy and power. Use cones to simulate the barrier and goalkeeper, which will help develop your ability to navigate around obstacles.

Mind Control and Focus

Stay calm and confident when preparing to charge. Visualize the desired result and focus on executing the technique correctly. Mental focus is just as important as physical ability.

Feedback and Analysis

Recording your free kicks during training and analyzing the videos can provide positive feedback. Observe your posture, kicking technique, ball positioning and other details. Identifying areas for improvement will help you fine-tune your technique and correct potential errors.

Game Simulations

Practicing free kicks in game situations is essential. Simulate different scenarios, such as charges at decisive moments or in different positions on the field. This will help develop your ability to deal with real pressure and adapt your charges to the circumstances of the match.


The TNT Sports Brasil YouTube channel chooses its own rankings of the fifteen best free kick goals. Here we mention the first three positions in this ranking:

1st Corinthians x Flamengo/Brazilian Championship/Neto

2nd Brazil x France/French Tournament/Roberto Carlos

3rd Flamengo x Santa Cruz/Copa União/Zico

To see the rest, access the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V5kfwp62QU


Taking free kicks in football is a combination of technique, tactical intelligence and emotional control. With dedication, practice and the incorporation of these fundamental tips, you will be better prepared to excel in this aspect of the game. Remember that even the most skilled players need time to hone their skills, so be patient with yourself and keep working on becoming a free kick expert.

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