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Free Stone Identification

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The practice of rock identification is a path of no return. It is a fascinating field that captivates the attention of amateurs and enthusiasts around the world.

Many people start out hunting for rocks on beaches, woods and farms. Sometimes even some rocks appear on the street that generate curiosity.

Here I will show you how mobile application technology can help you get started in this area. 

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Geology is not just for scientists and specialists. It is a fascinating field that captivates the attention of amateurs and enthusiasts around the world.

Before downloading the APP: Find out about the area's main pillars.

Each stone carries a story, from its ancient formation to its use in modern society.

  1. Minerals
    • Inorganic natural substances with a defined chemical composition and an ordered crystalline structure. They form the basis of the rocky materials of the Earth's crust.
    • Quartz: Perhaps the most common mineral on Earth, quartz is known for its diversity of colors and shapes. An interesting variety is rose quartz, often associated with love and healing. Interestingly, quartz can be found in watches, as its ability to vibrate at precise frequencies when electricity is applied makes it perfect for keeping time.
  2. Crystals
    • The solid form of minerals that form when atoms are arranged in three-dimensional repeating patterns. They are known for their distinctive geometric shapes and flat surfaces called crystal faces.
    • Amethyst: A dazzling purple-colored form of quartz, amethyst is highly sought after for its beauty and supposed metaphysical properties. A curious fact is that amethyst was as valued in antiquity as diamond, until large deposits were found in Brazil, making it more accessible.
  3. Rocks
    • Solid aggregates of one or more minerals or mineraloids. They are classified into three main types based on their formation: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
    • Granite: An igneous rock known for its hardness and durability, granite is widely used in countertops, monuments and buildings. The curious Mount Rushmore in the United States is an iconic example of granite sculpture, featuring the faces of four American presidents carved into a granite mountain.
  4. Gems
    • Minerals, crystals or rocks that are valued for their beauty, rarity and durability. They are often polished and cut for use in jewelry and decoration.
    • Diamond: The hardest natural material known to man, diamond is highly coveted as a gemstone in jewelry due to its unmatched brilliance and hardness. Interestingly, not only do they symbolize eternal love in engagement rings, but they also have important industrial applications, especially in cutting and drilling tools.
  5. Volcanic Rocks
    • Formed from the rapid cooling of lava on the Earth's surface. They usually have a fine-grained texture and may contain trapped air bubbles known as vesicles.
    • Obsidian: A glassy volcanic rock formed from rapidly cooled lava. Obsidian has been sharp enough to be used in cutting tools since prehistoric times. Interestingly, some surgeons still use obsidian blades as they can be sharper than steel blades.

Pyrite Fun Fact: Known as "fool's gold" due to its superficial similarity to real gold. Pyrite is an iron mineral that can form crystals with perfect geometric shapes. In addition to its use as a source of iron, pyrite has been used in fire igniters due to its ability to create sparks when struck against metal.

Best Free Stone Identification Apps for iPhone and Android

In an era dominated by technology, applications have become indispensable tools for geology amateurs. Here are the best free apps for identifying stones and minerals:

How to Use Apps to Identify Stones

Download and Install

Choose an app compatible with your device and download it. Visit the App Store or Google Play Store to find the app that best meets your rock identification needs.

Take a picture

Use your cell phone camera to take a clear photo of the stone you want to identify. Make sure the photo is well lit and in focus for best results.

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Analyze the Results

The app will provide information about the stone, including name, composition and possible uses. Explore the information provided to learn more about your stone.



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