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Rayados' defeat to San Luis generates dissatisfaction

President of Monterrey Speaks Out

José Antonio Noriega, president of Monterrey, expressed strong dissatisfaction after the defeat to Atlético de San Luis in the first leg of the quarter-finals.

He highlighted the team's lack of representation, expecting an aggressive reaction for the second leg.

Disappointment after Defeat

In fact, President Noriega's disappointment with Monterrey's performance was evident, emphasizing that the team did not meet expectations and did not represent the essence of the club.

In fact, his statements reflect the search for a stance more consistent with Monterrey's identity.

Expectations for the Return Match

Noriega highlighted the importance of an aggressive reaction in the second leg, emphasizing the need for a winning mentality and showing the club's true essence on the field.

In this way, he expects a strong response from the team.

Focus on Recovery

The Monterrey president emphasized the need to recover the virtues demonstrated during the tournament and to restore the passion and attitude that were missing in the last game.

His emphasis on the importance of performance that is more in line with the team's potential reflects his commitment to reversing the situation.

Positive Outlook for the Future

Despite the defeat, Noriega showed optimism, highlighting that the series is still open, and Monterrey has the ability to reverse the score in the second leg.

Without a doubt, his confidence in the team is clear, even given the need for an immediate reaction.

Read the full news at As.com

Author: Edgar Martinez

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