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Devon Larratt VS Levan Saginashvili 2024 – Everything you need to know about the next big arm wrestle

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Here I will try to prepare you to witness an unprecedented spectacle: the great battle between Devon Larratt and Levan Saginashvili in Istanbul, Turkey, at the "East vs West 12" event

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If you think Brazilians understand how to put pressure on the opponent because of our culture in football. You need to watch this sport a little, especially these two giants that many have never heard of.

Devon Larratt vs. Levan Saginashvili

Devon Larratt, the Canadian strategist with legendary resilience, nicknamed "The Limitless", is an inspiration on and off the arm wrestling table.

You can imagine? Can you imagine if I win?

The last confrontation between the two marked an intense chapter in the history of arm wrestling, with Larratt facing a crushing defeat in the face of Saginashvili's unmatched power.

Levan not only won, he destroyed Devon's arm.

After the fight in 2022, he went through a difficult recovery and innovative treatments.

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Since then, he has had eight official fights with his arm recovered, in which he lost only one.

Levan Saginashvili is known as the "Italian Hulk", do I need to say anything else? I don't think so, so I'll show you

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Levan Saginashvili's rapid rise to the top of the armwrestling world has sparked debate about the nature of training and fitness in the sport.

Some voices in the community question the long-term sustainability of such dominance, given the sport's intense physical demands.

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An Invitation to Discovery

For those in Brazil discovering arm wrestling, this event is a perfect introduction.

In addition to the duel between Larratt and Saginashvili, "East vs West 12" offers a window into a world where the physical and mental intertwine in a dance of power and strategy.

On April 20, 2024, Istanbul will not only be the meeting of two continents, but also the stage for one of the most anticipated duels in the history of arm wrestling.

The "East vs West 12" event promises to be more than a competition; it will be a celebration of passion, determination and sporting excellence.

Regardless of the result, this match is already engraved in the history of the sport, highlighting the growth of arm wrestling and the athletes' unwavering dedication.

Devon Larratt and Levan Saginashvili aren't just competitors; they are ambassadors for a sport that celebrates human strength in all its forms.

Questions about the sport

Arm wrestling is a sport of strength and technique where two competitors place their elbows on a surface with the intention of forcing the opponent's arm to a pad (cushioned surface) on the table.

A competitor wins the match by managing to “pin” the opponent's arm against the pad, that is, touching the back of the opponent's hand to the pad.

Competitors must position their elbows on the table pads, hold the opponent's hand with one hand and the peg with the other. The match begins with the competitors' arms in a vertical and centered position.

Yes, to ensure fair competition, competitors are divided into weight categories, allowing them to face opponents of similar strength and size.

The referee gives the command “Ready, Go!” to start the match. “Ready” indicates that competitors must be ready, and “Go!” It's the signal to start the fight.

If a match goes on for too long without a clear winner, the referee may intervene, restarting the match or taking other measures to ensure a fair conclusion.

Start by looking for local arm wrestling clubs or training groups. Attending local events and watching competitions is also a great way to learn more about the sport.

  • Armwrestling Brasil TV: This channel is an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to dive into the world of arm wrestling in Brazil. Offers a variety of content, including tutorials for beginners, technique reviews, and coverage of local and national events. Check out more at Armwrestling Brasil TV.

  • Arnold Toproll: Focused more broadly on the international arm wrestling community, this channel is run by an enthusiast and competitor of the sport. You'll find videos ranging from specific training and advanced techniques to interviews with some of the most renowned athletes in the world of arm wrestling. Access Arnold Toproll to explore its content.

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